Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls
Genre: Action/Adventure
Summary: Indiana Jones (and family) explore the circumstances and myths surrounding crystal skulls from South America.
My Grade: %75
- The movie was well done- good graphics (especially the nuclear blast) but they did not exceed the format of the previous installments.
- The age of Harrison Ford was compensated for and covered up.
- Awesome scenery- Iguazu Falls.
- Good addition of Shia LeBeouf.
Cons: (spoiler warning)
- I just would not have gone there with the aliens.
- According to my research, the myths about actual crystal skulls do include extraterrestrial legends, but these are maintained only by New Age worshippers, not archaeologists. The crystal skulls themselves are most likely hoaxes.
- The Soviets weren't bad enough.
- The magnetism of the skulls was annoyingly inconsistent in its effects.
- Another tale of "ultimate riches" and "ultimate power" without much explanation or justification.
- I shoulda known when a French film festival gave it a standing ovation.
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