I was personally struggling to think right about the holiday yesterday. It was not that I was ungrateful or uncaring about the cost of my freedom. I was struggling to think correctly about the government for which these we honor have died. While I am truly concerned about what our government is and should be (in more ways than just this election- posts forthcoming) I should not let that distract my mind from true and humble gratitude to those who gave their lives for that in which I live today. I know that every human government will be imperfect, but that is what God is sovereignly using to accomplish His will. The imperfect USA government is God's plan for my life and I have an epic debt of gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives to be a part of that.
I pray my feeble thanks is enough.

"When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today." - from gravestone of Allied soldier in the Battle of Burma, WWII
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. "- John 15:13
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