Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh, bama

I saw Sen. Barack Obama at his rally in Des Moines on Tuesday.

I was curious to see if his speeches were like Hannity, Rush, and Glenn Beck said they were. It was. Allow me outline it:

  • Intro: Fluff (fluff=using the words "change" and "hope" repeatedly without actually describing how, what, when, who, etc)
  • Discuss win in Oregon, followed by Fluff
  • Go out of His way to complement Hilary on winning Kentucky, probably to look like the nice guy and hope Hilary will also want to like nice and not bring up his weak points
  • Criticize many John McCain policies and, by virtue of party, George Bush policies. The association may have been intended the other way to apply all bad feelings engendered by Bush to McCain.
  • More Fluff
  • Outlines his plan that obviously supersedes McCain's. This plan includes one policy, and not on a major issue like the war, the economy, right to life, etc-- these were introduced with fluff and platitudes, but no policy.
  • More Fluff.
  • Goodnight Iowa

I also had to endure the liberal populace that soaked up and spouted back all the fluff. And I was hungry and there was food for sale but I didn't have cash. And my wife wasn't there :(. And the band at the beginning had bad falsetto solos.

Bonus: A sweet marching band that had good percussion and rythm.

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