Quite a bit has been said lately about one Sarah Palin. To summarize much blabbering and a little serious chatter, Palin excites many Republican with some of her politics and her intensity, distances others with other politics and her family life, and scares most Democrats who respond with attacks across the spectrum of reality and beyond.
Of primary concern to a Christian Republican and/or Conservative are three main questions.
First, is it allowable for a woman to be in a leadership role, potentially as the President of the United States?
The answer to this question relies immensely upon one's interpretation of the commands of women to be submissive and silent (Titus 2:5; 1Cor. 14:34-35). Simply, I do not see that Scripture specifically prohibits women leadership outside the home and church. Perhaps more to say later.
Second, if allowable, is it best for a mother of young children to be so devoted to a career?
Perhaps a greater question is whether or not that is our determination to make. I certainly would not decide for my wife to take such a role, but I cannot comment on Palin's individual circumstances or her husband's wisdom. It is no different than trying to determine if a man is fit for leadership or corrupted by pride. I am sure that many politicians would fit that description, but we cannot be sure nor disqualify on that standard.
Of primary concern to a Christian Republican and/or Conservative are three main questions.
First, is it allowable for a woman to be in a leadership role, potentially as the President of the United States?
The answer to this question relies immensely upon one's interpretation of the commands of women to be submissive and silent (Titus 2:5; 1Cor. 14:34-35). Simply, I do not see that Scripture specifically prohibits women leadership outside the home and church. Perhaps more to say later.
Second, if allowable, is it best for a mother of young children to be so devoted to a career?
Perhaps a greater question is whether or not that is our determination to make. I certainly would not decide for my wife to take such a role, but I cannot comment on Palin's individual circumstances or her husband's wisdom. It is no different than trying to determine if a man is fit for leadership or corrupted by pride. I am sure that many politicians would fit that description, but we cannot be sure nor disqualify on that standard.
And third, assuming yes to the first two, will she be good for the country?
According to the interview with Katie Couric, Palin does hold many political views that are not traditionally conservative. Many are moral issues that appeal to Christians. However, as I understand government more and more, she could fulfill her responsibility to the office without satisfying Christian ethical issues. She is still the best candidate in the race (albeit not the Presidential candidate) and she does make John McCain's campaign more palatable.
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