Thursday, March 18, 2010

Truth and Love

Tim Chester:
Love without truth is like doing heart surgery with a wet fish.
But truth without love is like doing heart surgery with a hammer.

Further, love (grace) without truth is not true love. And Truth without love is not true truth.
(Grace and truth- John 1:14)

Love cannot be expressed to another if truth is withheld. I cannot love an unbeliever and not tell them they are a sinner. The most loving thing I can do for them is to tell them the truth. Withhold that, and I am not loving.

Truth cannot be offered without love. I cannot share the truth, from one sinner to another, without first acknowledging that grace was extended to me and the same is offered to the recipient of my truth. If I speak truth in condemnation, lacking grace for the hearer, and forget the grace shown me, I am not sharing the whole truth.

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