Thursday, October 23, 2008

With Only The Lesser of Two Evils

Many republicans/conservatives who are dissatisfied with John McCain and/or are unable to distnquish him very easily from his rival are frequently describing our election as a choice between the lesser of two evils. While some merely lament this fact and others conjure up a strategy to combat this fact and not just the opponent, the lesser of two evils is nothing new.

That is not just to say that other elections have also offered us a pittance of hope. While that is certainly true, what is meant is that when choosing between one sinful man and another, there is no perfect choice.
  • There no inherent, qualitative difference (Rom. 3:23)
  • A believer will still fill the office imperfectly (David, Solomon, George Washington, George Bush (?)).
  • No candidate will ever meet every expectation of even one citizen.

While no candidate, whether for the Presidency or a school board, is perfect, God's sovereignty is so complete to use them in the accomplishment of His will.

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