Saturday, September 13, 2008

World's Worst Volcanic Eruptions

Statistics that give me pause (see Extreme Weather= End Times) when wondering if we're in the end times...

  • Mt. Mazama, Oregon, approx 4600 B.C.: 100+ cubic kilometers displaced (about 42 times that of Mt. St. Helens) (could be associated with post-flood cataclysm)
  • Mt. Tambora, Indonesia, 1815 : 150 cubic kilometers displaced, 92000 deaths, North America and Europe experienced the Year Without A Summer in 1816 (non-flood related)
  • Krakatau, Indonesia, 1883: blast heard 5000 km away, explosion equivalent to 13,000 atom bombs such as destroyed Hiroshima, 36,000-120,000 dead, tidal waves reached coast of Africa, changed global temperature 1.2 degrees C for more than 5 years
  • Mt. Santorini, Greece, 1470 B.C.: destroyed Minoan civilization, 35-150m tsunami, caused bad crops in China
see also:

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