Bear Grylls is the man. Eating a dead zebra, jumping in a frozen lake, escaping a deserted island on a raft through shark infested waters- just a few of his exploits that I cannot help but wish I were able to do.

Sure, he doesn't do everything without safety ropes and it's all edited to create more drama and to make it look more dagerous, but it's still amazing. His depth of knowledge, albeit enhanced for each particular show, is incredible and quite informative. I don't know if I'll remember which plant in Africa I can use for toothpaste, but it's nice to think I would after Bear showing me.
I also appreciate the somehwhat-censored-by-Discovery perspective he shares while on his various adventures. For instance, when waking in the dew of an Ecuadorian rainforest, he shared his amazement at God's complex design of nature in a random blossom that no man may ever see (except Bear Grylls). To further suggestions of his faith, he lists several Christian books on his
Top 10 list.
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