Ah, the Iowa State Fair. Considered the best in the country. I'd hate to see what the others are like. It's not that the fair is a bad place, its just that there's only so much to do the first time, and less and less each returning time. And there is some shame (albeit not tons) when visitors come and see the main attraction- a lifesize cow made of butter. Good art, but telling af the entertainment threshold of our general populace.
I find myself in an awkward median of the spectrum of visitors. Of the millionish of them, about half walk as if visiting a foreign culture. They admire the cute little animals, enjoy the quaint farm feel, and muse at the obvious commercialism monopolized by farm machinery. The other half, fell right at home and, in fact, as if this were the ultimate culmination of Iowa life. They stay in the same barns as their little and big animals, eagerly anticipate the wieghing of each massive swine and bovine, and actually shop for the latest wagon.
1 comment:
Thank you for taking me on a date to the Fair, and for buying me a giant pickle and a fried snickers. Even though it isn't one of your favorite activities, you were gracious to indulge me. I love you!
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