Showdown with Nuclear Iran M
by Michael D. Evans
According to this author, a nuclear showdown with Iran is not that hypothetical of a situation. Though he does open with a fictional account of how Iran may chose to end such a showdown, the bulk of the book is substantial in reality.
As a journalist and advisor to the Israeli government, he has collected many reqources outlining Iran's nuclear program. He answers the major questions that the Western world is asking of Iran, though many may not want the answers.
Does Ahmedenijad believe that world war is a religious objective? Yes, based on his belief in the Mahdi (believed by a minority of Muslims and even a minority of Shi'ites).
Is he insane? No, but his is willing to be suicidal to see the return of the Mahdi, meaning he will willingly see Iran destroyed in retaliation if it is part of the end of the world.
Is he after Israel or America? Both. He lables Israel "Little Satan" and the USA "Big Satan."
Is he capable of leading Iran to his goals? Yes. Within Islam, he does engender some dislike, but when Israel and America are the enemies, those little problems disappear.
Are they actually trying for a nuke? Though they consistently deny such, no other explanation can be offered for the nuclear prgram they are developing and their discretion.
Are they close/ capable of starting WWIII? Not yet, thankfully, or they would have. Israeli intelligence and military officials are nervous, though.
What will the U.S. do? This is the biggest question in the book. The final several chapters are devoted to possibel courses of action and their ramifications.
Despite Ahmedenijad's belief that nuclear holocaust will bring about the return of his Mahdi and the Islamic "end times," it will not thwart God's plans. The Iranian (and other Islamic) efforts may coincide with the prophesied end times of our Scripture, but they would surely not accomplish the return of anyone but Christ.
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