Saturday, July 26, 2008

Book Report-- The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History

The Politicaly Incorrect Guide to American History M
by Thomas Woods, Jr. PhD


I learned quite a bit from this book. I did have very good education in history growing up, but there were some aspects of our national heritage I had yet (and certainly have yet) to learn of. My notes of things learned or to discover further covered a page front and back. A sampling:

  • The South had strong Constitutional grounds for secession.

  • Presidents Coolidge and Harding allowed the economy to be the most successful w/ a "hands off " policy.

  • Each cow in America is currently subsidized at about $700/year becaus eof the "New Deal."

  • Blacks in racially integrated schools often performed much worse than in segregated schools.

  • Etc.
Much of the information confirmed what I knew or believed to be true about my country, but, conversely, much challenged it. Unfortunately, it seemed that the aspects of our history that were covered by this book were cynically unbalanced. While I appreciated learning more truth about our nation, it was not the whole truth. There was much more politically incorrect history about our country that should be offered to give a better picture.
Still, it is a good source for an alternate perspective and helpful in thinking outside the typical box of history.


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