Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Because of a discussion regarding ethics in the classroom I was observing today, I was promted to answer a few questions. My thoughts/answers:

What is/are ethics?
Ethics, I beleive, is the focus on the translation of certain beliefs into actions. For some reason, discussion is limited to certain beliefs and actions, such as truth, lying, abortion, etc. The truth is, every action is based on belief (Eph. 4:22-24), not just the "ethical" issues.

Is it always wrong to lie (or is it ok if you are Rahab or are hiding Jews from Nazis)?
As we understand that God's truth is absolute, the answer must be uneqivocally "yes." Unfortuantely, our emotions and sympathy cloud that answer in these suggested scenarios. But to consider disobeying a command of God for the sake of saving the life of another human is to place to much value on human life. The human life is valuable and God commands punishment for anyone who destroys that image of God (Gen. 9:6), but it is not as valuable as the glory of God. On the contrary, we see that God can be glorified in human death and suffering (Job 1:21, Daniel 3:17-18, Phil. 1:21, etc) God does not (necessarily) need to preserve the life of someone we may wish to live to be glorified. The Glory of God is ultimate (Col. 1:16-18). To disobey a command to save a life is in essence idol worship of that life.

These are the thoughts limited to the discussion today. Maybe further ethical thoughts to come.

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